Sr Func Application Consultant C7-42

Purpose Independently analyzes, designs, specifies for several complex customer applicationsand/or unstable business situations, within the Service Level Agreements, in order toproduce adequate functional designs, impact analyses and functional solutions. Task and...

Sr Tech Application Consultant C7-41

Purpose Independently analyses, specifies and solves high risk and complex service requests,within the Service Level Agreement, to keep one or several large customer applicationsoperational. Result areas Customer satisfactionEnsures optimal delivery of solutions to...

Func Application Consultant C7-32

Purpose Analyses, designs, specifies for one or several customer applications, within the ServiceLevel Agreements, in order to produce adequate functional designs, impact analysesand functional solutions. Task and Responsibilities 1. Customer satisfactionEnsures...

Tech Application Consultant C7-31

Purpose Analyses, specifies, and solves service requests, within the Service Level Agreement, tokeep one or several customer applications operational. Tasks and Responsibilities Customer satisfactionEnsures optimal delivery of solutions to obtain optimal customer...