Sr HR Consultant G4-30

28 februari 2024 | G4 HRM



Carries out matters of policy, consulting and operational tasks, within the framework of the
international HR Policy with a structural HR vision, in order for the managers and
employees to carry out their HR related activities more efficiently.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  1. Contribution to the company strategy
    Contributes to the HR vision, within the national management team as part of (bases for)
    the forming of the national company strategy.

    Main activities
  • Collects and analyses relevant internal and external information and translates these to defined (concrete) suggestions;
  • Translates the international HR vision and their personal vision to a usable vision for the national company strategy and communicates this with the management team.
  1. HR policy
    Develops, formulates and realises in agreement with the manager and within the
    international HR policy, HR instruments on several HR topics in order to contribute to the
    forming of the national HR policy.

    Main activities
  • Participates in international HR meetings and department meetings and prepares notes or a presentation;
  • Translates the policy to several practical frameworks;
  • Jointly develops and lays down developments on terms of employment, informs the employees and management about them and keeps track of changes in the several HR documents.
  1. Terms of employment
    Contributes in the development of the terms of employment taking into account legislation
    to come to a point where responsible terms of employment are reached.

    Main activities
  • Supports and consults in the area of the yearly remuneration and performance process;
  • Keeps track of the developments in the area of remunerations in the IT sector;
  • Consults managers about the consequences and/or implications;
  • Prepares policy notes in order to support the Manager Finance & Administration;
  • Attunes and guards the agreed on remuneration policy is thus used that a consistent application is promoted.
  1. Planning and budget
    Makes the HR plan, activity plan and takes care of the implementation in the organisation,
    together with the manager Finance & HR resulting in a unified personnel plan and activity plan.

    Main activities
  • Prepare and attune the personnel plan and activities with management;
  • Registers and organises the procedure with regards to the entering and leaving of employees.
  1. Implementation and carrying out the HR policy
    Supports management with the implementation and carrying out of the HR policy, in order
    to secure that the operational HR policy is carried out adequately.

    Main activities
  • Sees to that laws and legislation is carried out correctly (among which Healt&Safety and labour laws) and the (internal) procedures;
  • Supports management with regards to aspects of education, career planning and the performance and Competence Management Process;
  • Consults management with regards to letting of personnel, among which the possibilities for letting off arrangements and what the (legal) consequences could be when letting of personnel;
  • Supports management with regards to personnel issues;
  • Prepares changes in personnel information for the salary administration and managing of actions that need to be taken, personnel files and archives;
  • Manages, initiates, maintains and guards procedures, guidelines, actions and files with regards to the disability laws (“Wet Poortwachter”).


In a part of the organization there are approximately 100 people employed

Job Requirements


  • Bachelor Human Resource Management or similar

Experience, knowlegde and skills

  • A minimum of 4 years experience as an HR Consultant
  • Knowledge in the area of behavior science (organization psychology and sociology);
  • Knowledge and skills with regards to organizational changes and HR fields (education, career planning, performance management, rewards etc.).
  • Knowledge of laws and legislation (Health and Safety, labor law).
  • Business acumen.


A.4 Delegating
C.3 Decisiveness
C.4 Vision
D.2 Verbal Presentation
D.6 Persuasiveness
D.8 Impact
E.3 Autonomy