Assistant Software Engineer D1-10

28 februari 2024 | D1 Software Development


Develops and maintains parts of software solutions, under supervision of a senior, so that the solution is in accordance with the specifications.

Tasks and Responsibilities

  1. Development
    Develops, maintains and documents software solutions, based on functional and technical design and under supervision of a senior, within the agreed specifications, budget and time.

    Main activities
  • Develops parts of software solutions in a team;
  • Assists in creating a technical design.
  1. Testing
    Ensures software quality, according to the functional and technical design and under
    supervision, to deliver a reliable software solution.

    Main activities
  • Tests developed software solution;
  • Fixes functional and technical defects.
  1. Sales
    Proactively signals potential company-business in order to obtain extra income and increase
    customer satisfaction.

    Main activities
  • Assists in presales cases;
  • Informs account management on possible extra work.
  1. Planning & Administration
    Ensures timely and correct planning and administration, within the company standards and
    agreements and in accordance with customer-administrations, to ensure a professional

    Main activities
  • Ensures timely and correct administration of time sheets;
  • Ensures delivery within time, within budget and agreed quality;
  • Monitors progress of own tasks;
  • Communicates on forehand about possible delays or overrun.

Job Requirements


  • Software or Architecture related (level of) BSc degree.

Experience, knowledge and skills

  • No prior work experience.


C.1 Problem analyses
C.10 Eye for detail
E.1 Adaptability